Today saw the departure of our old overloaded, rickety computer desk, it was originally part of an mfi bedroom set that used to belong to son no. 1. In it's place my clever hubby created a new computer station from a piece of left over worktop, donated by a friend and a bookcase brought from argos for £15. The book case will hold the xbox and all it's games - which I hate, but I'm outnumbered and out-ruled by the males of the household, so I've given up protesting, at least it will be pretty much out of sight now.
Before (cringe) The filing cabinet is heading for the master bedroom, where we plan to create an office space away from sticky fingers. |
Steve fixing the wooden batons in place, these will support the left hand side of the worktop. |
Jakey helping to keep the dust at bay. |
All Finished (pic taken on Day 4) |
We still need to find a solution to hide and make safe all those trailing wires. I will most likely make some pretty boxes to further disguise all the xbox paraphernalia, but I think it's still an improvement.
Dining and Craft Room List
- Keep current paint scheme for walls - finish painting.
- Declutter one area at a time.
- Wipe down walls.
- Repaint /clean woodwork where needed.
Decide on theme- Cherry Blossom, Pink Roses, Bluebirds and Owls. -
Choose colour scheme for ornaments/accessories- Pink, Green White, Blue. - Make peg boards to display artwork.
- Make paper/fabric letters GALLERY - to put up over art area.
- Design/Print and frame quotes and wall art/family photos.
- Make colour block notice board as on pinterest using felt and thick/layered card board?
- Collect and decorate bottles to be used as vases/ornaments.
- Declutter manual box and create attractive storage for necessary manuals.
- Laminate patterned paper and make into light switch covers?
- Use decorated wrapping paper roll as cable tidy?
- Repurpose chest of drawers from boys room to use as dresser/material store.
- Turn drawers into shelves/plate rack/crockery store.
Get rid of old desk and make or buy new one.Desk made thanks to Steve! - Find a way to enclose Electric meter.
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