Dining and Craft Room.

I've decided to start with the dining/craft room as this is probably our most functional room and we use it a lot. We are a household of 7 for the majority of the time, (8 when eldest daughters boyfriend is home - he's in the army but lives with us at weekends and when on leave) our dining table is a place where we all gather for eating, crafting, learning, planning, working and playing. We have a well equipped art and craft cupboard but at the moment it's a complete disorganised mess, it's very hard to find what you need when you want it so I'm looking forward to getting it sorted.

My three youngest performing an experiment!

Here's the basic plan (it will probably expand as I go along):

* Keep current paint scheme for walls - finish painting.

* Repaint woodwork where needed.

* Accessorising ideas - green,cream/white,pink - polka dots,cherry blossom,birds/owl,flowers,

* Make peg boards to display artwork - decide on design - green back boards with
jumbo pegs embellished with decorative tapes - gallery area- above dining table.

* Make paper/fabric letters GALLERY - to put up over area.

* Design/Print and frame quotes and wall art/family photos.

* make colour block notice board  using felt/ material and thick/layered card board?

Craft cupboard

* Empty and paint inside.

* Decorate door panels with cherry blossom  artwork.

* Create new height chart - cherry blossom?

* Make paper storage files and organise paper and card stock.

* Make pen/craft caddy/carousel to be kept on bookcase/desk popped on table when needed.
cream base board, pots attached decorated with craft paper/fabric.

* Green and pink play rice could be stored in glass jars and used as decorative item.

*Collect and decorate bottles to be used as vases/ornaments.

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